Welcome to my domain. I am the contract overlord and I rule over all contracts. From the simplest retail transaction to the mega-merger of international conglomerates – THESE are my domain!! And you will obey. I am like the Borg – resistance is futile.
But I am a benevolent dictator. I do not immediately turn the wolves on you. You must earn such disdain from me! I am, above all else a leader, a mentor, a guide on your life journey. I am here, first, to help. The last thing I want to do is destroy you – but it is on the list!
How can I help? I will give you resources. I will give you guidance. I will answer your questions. And I will discipline you when you are out of line. Friends – I do not desire them. Relationships – I respect those who ply their trade with knowledge and professionalism. I MIGHT allow you to join my elite team of advisors and counselors. After all – running an entire domain is a great deal of work. I am entitled to have fun – and we will. When I say so!
So welcome to my domain. Turn on some Trans Siberian Orchestra and turn it up LOUD. Then peruse the materials you find here. Visit the sites. Ask your questions. Grow and learn as a leader, as a contract professional, as a subservient subject of THE CONTRACT OVERLORD.